Another really bright, sunny day on the island! The wind seem to have decide to let us alone. We therefore open on usual time and birds arrived in good numbers in the nets in the first rounds. Most of them are still of course willow warblers! But there has also been a few icterine warbler, a whitethroat and yet another ringed ouzel. It has been a fair day, with 133 new birds ringed: 110 løvsanger (willow warblers), 1 gransanger (chiffchaff), 5 gulsanger (icterine warblers) , 1 munk (blackcap), 2 hagesanger (garden warblers), 1 tornsanger (whitethroat), 1 nattergal (nightingale), 3 svarthvit fluesnapper ( pied flycatchers), 1 rødstjert (redstar) , 1 ringtrost (ringed ouzel) and 1 svarttrost (blackbird), 1 sivspurv (reed bunting), 3 grønnfink (greenfinches), 1 brunsisik (redpoll) and 1 tornirisk (linnet). One of the few whitethroat that were on the island today With the icterine warblers and the nightingales around, spring is in full swing and some swift, a good amount of sylvias and a few swallows confirm this. With this beautifull sun over our head through late afternoon, a calm sea, a drink, and 2 boxes of strawberries left, life on the island cannot improve much.
Marie, Morgane and Egil
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October 2024