Beautiful day on October 28, the moderate wind all day reduced the effectiveness of the nets and our catch report is low with only 8 bandings and 1 control. Our stay ending, we took advantage of the afternoon to do some observation. For the first time, we observed 3 harbour porpoises. Waxwings are always present on the island with a minimum of 5 individuals. Again the rough-legged buzzard hunts in front of the house and the sparrohawks also put on a show. About 300 herring gulls, about fifteen sea gulls around the island, and a personnal record number of 90 eiders. David and Seb Dagens ringmerking: Blåmeis 3, Fuglekonge 1, Stilits1, Grønnfink 1 og Spurvehauk 2. Fjellvåk, spurvehauk og 2x spurvehauk. En siste rundtur på øya, og fjellvåk og David som ringmerker. Seb på labben.
The day was marked by a thick fog which did not fade during the day. Migration, in this meteorological context, is blocked and almost non-existent. A total of 29 ringed birds, for 15 different species, a great diversity in the end. Despite the weather conditions, a very nice day for the team of French ringers with, again, new birds never ringed for us. During the same round, a pigmy owl (niende ringmerket) and a parrot crossbill (kun andre ringmerket) were captured. Rarities for us, but also for the station, these species being rarely caught here. Terje joined us to refuel around noon, he heard the pigmy owl sing in a valley near the house. When he leaves, he observes a little auk leaving the port, he allows us to observe it indicating it from his boat. Same weather forecast for tomorrow morning, maybe with its share of nice surprises like today. David and Seb Dagens ringmerking: Spurveugle 1 , Blåmeis 5, Kjøttmeis 2, Gerdesmett 2, Fuglekonge 1 Gransanger 1, Munk 1, Rødstrupe 4, Svarttrost 1, Gråtrost 1, Rodvingetrost 2, Sispurv 1 Grønnfink 4, Gråsisik 2 og Furukorsnebb 1. Totalt 29 ringmerket av 15 arte. I tillegg 13 kontroller. Ringmerking i høst: 3814 og 2022 totalt: 7067. Stasjonens niende spurveugle. Ikke fanget på lyd. Ugla et par timer etter ringmerking ved gamlehytta. Stasjonens andre ringmerkede furukorsnebb. Første i 2002. To veldig fornøyde franske ringmerkere.
Rainy morning on the island but the sun came back in the early afternoon. The highlights of the day are the observation of a group of 23 waxwings and 2 peregrine falcons, and a rough-legged buzzard. Our ringing day therefore started late but, once again, we are very happy with our results, particularly with a new species captured for David: the twite (2) and the evening capture of a long-eared owl. Also note the capture of our 13th waxwing: an adult male! David and Seb The ringing report for the day is: Hornugle 1, Kjøttmeis 1, Stjertmeis 5, Trekryper 1, Rødstrupe 4, Sidensvans 2, Dompap 1, Grønnfink 19, Gråsisik 5, Brunsisik 3 og Bergirisk 2. Høstens første og årets andre hornugle. Sidensvans nummer 13. Årets to første bergirisk.
Day without banding at store faerder, and reduced for birdwatching. A fishing boat makes it easier for us to observe some gulls and gannets in its wake, the rough-legged buzzard is still on the island. The rain continued today, a big day of cleaning and storage at the station.
David and Seb Today, change of weather, no wind but a fine and continuous rain. We did not open the nets in the morning. At 12:00 p.m., we decide to open the net in front of the house, the rain having stopped. A few greenfinches, redpolls and bramblings were captured until 3 p.m. Small day of ringing and migration too. A few sightings of Eurasian sparrowhawks, fieldfares and a group of around 50 redpolls. Yesterday, the day ended with a new capture of Tengmalm's owl, the second during our stay. David and Seb Banding report of October 23: Grønnfink 5 Gråsisik 6 Bjorkkefink 6 Vår andre perleugle (fra gårsdagen) og dagens fuglekikking gikk ut stuevinduet.
Despite inclement weather at daybreak, the wind slackened and the sky cleared in the afternoon. This allowed us to open all the nets throughout the day.
Nice surprise in the middle of the morning with the ringing of 8 long-tailed tits spp caudatus. This subspecies is rare in France. French ringers are happy. The highlight of our day was the observation from the living room of a group of 17 waxwings that came to feed on the many berries in the bushes. Unfortunately none come into the net. Tomorrow maybe… Today is also our first Rough-legged Buzzard sighting since we arrived on the island. This species is also rare in France. Note, a flight of 30 greylag geese in migration, few sparrows on the other hand. The seawatching was not conclusive either. We thank Per Espen Fjeld for his visit to drop off food and especially his kindness for giving us 10 crabs from his catch. Merci beaucoup. Ringmerking: The ringing report for October 22 is as follows: Trekryper 1, Stjertmeis 8, Fuglekonge 4, Sitillits 2, Sivspurv 1, Svarttrost1, Måltrost1, Grønnfink 29, Gråsisik 2. Total 49. The strong wind all day did not allow us to open the nets like every other day since our arrival. We only partially opened the nets and only an hour, the wind was blowing too hard. The results are therefore low, only 6 ringed birds, but the day remains pleasant. The highlight of this October 21 is the capture of a new waxwing. It is therefore the 11th since our arrival: incredible! As far as the observations are concerned, the 2 large crows ensured the spectacle by passing many times in front of the house. Gjerdesmett 2 Fluglekonge 1 Munk 2 Sidevans 1 David and Sebastien who is happy? David and the famous waxving .
The weather on October 20 was foggy at daybreak, which stops the migration of birds. Fortunately a few stayed on the island and we managed to set up a good capture session with 68 ringed birds. This morning of ringing is marked by the numbers of goldcrest and eurasian siskins The highlight of the day is the observation of a tegmalm owl, hidden in the middle of a tree, which we were able to observe for a long time. Again this exceptional observation makes us very happy The end of the day ends with the visit of a gray heron which crosses in front of the house, the clear sky at the end of the afternoon allowed us to observe the active migration of siskins. Ringmerking: Blåmeis 2, Kjøttmeis 1, Trekryper 2, Gjerdesmett 9, Fuglekonge 15, Gransanger 1, Munk 2, Rødstrupe 6, Svarttrost 5, Bokfink 1, Dompap 1, Grønnfink 12, Gråsisik 2, Brunsisik 2 og Grønnsisik 7. Totalt 68 fugler ringmerket. Seb og David Perleugle funnet på rundtur på øya. Fra rundturen på øya.
On October 19, we had a very nice day both for the observation and for the ringing, everything came together to observe the migration of the birds, the weather was excellent, the wind light and the sky clear. In the morning we shared the experience of Terje and Hans Eric for ringing which is very rewarding for us, French ringers. We were also able to take advantage of the good capture conditions to equip a redwing and a robin with transmitters. A total of 66 birds were ringed, including 25 redpolls. In the afternoon, we explored the southern island near store faerder and observed there in excellent conditions 30 twites and 3 horned larks, 250 pink-legged geese. absolutely fabulous Back on store faerder, we have chosen to explore the north of the island. the migration was active we observed the waxwings again (12) while we were on the way back we saw taking off from the trees, 20 meters in front of us, an eagle owl. We had time to identify with certainty the largest nocturnal raptor. Finally to end this beautiful day, we captured a tegmalm owl. We will long remember this beautiful day on this magical island. David and Seb Dagens ringmerking: Perleugle 1, Blåmeis 1, Kjøttmeis 1, Trekryper 2, Gjerdesmett 10, Fuglekonge 2, Rødstrupe 4, Rødvingetrost 1, Sidesvans 1, Sivspurv 1, Grønnfink 15, Gråsisik 25, Brunsisik 1 og Grønnsisik 1. 66 fugler totalt. En av dagens gråsisiker og to bilder fra Hoftøya.
Today, beautiful morning, wind almost zero and good condition of banding. Little active migration, the session will be 76 bandings including 39 greenfinches and 11 Goldcrest. We take advantage of the afternoon to discover the island and observe the birds. Note: 55 barnacle geese and 1 female wheatear. The day ends with a meal with Terje and Hans Erik. David and Seb Todays only Goldcrest.
October 2024